11th Apr 2023 ~Assessment center~

I joined the first English Assessment center which is called group discussion in Japan.

Although we were asked well dressed, almost all students were casual. Since I dodn’t have any suit, I bought casual shirts and denim on last weekend. I worried a bit about my clothing but it was alright.

With limited English capacity, I reckoned that I can’t lead discussion and put together ideas from all members to maximize our outputs. So I focus on idea generation based on other opinons.

It was exhausting and difficult but the atmosphere was friendly there so I regard tpday’s session as positive experience. I don’t think that I passed it given others performance, I found a friend being interested in Marketing for his career and talked about it for a little.

Since I was suffering from less contribution to the team until yesterday, today’s gave me relaxing emotion, which means individual performance can be influenced by other members. I acknowledge the imprtance of icebreeaking.

So, in marketing subcom in Running society as well as puting effort for team output, I need to become intimate with them ASAP to make my experience positive and I am proud of myself.

The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period