8. Jan. 2023 ~Everything in moderation~

After morning run, I went to Chiro because I hed felt tired on from my back to neck for a few weeks. The chiro is my thing since the chiropractor shares with me tons of his knowledge about phisical control based on oriental medicine.

In particular, the several facts that half bath rather than sauna and spa and the length of sleep rather than golden time caught me off guard.

In short, human require some stimulous in their own body for sustainable health, not even pace of condition.

Insurting special events such as staying up to late is also sometimes recommended as long as its degree doesn’t reach its threshold.

I want to apply this lesson to my entire life.  Before I am devoted to something appealing  in my life, I will prepare my energy to achieve it.

It is like it is reccomended for challengers to take a few rest just before a standing wall, Soritatsu Kabe, to succeed in it once.

The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period