13. Jan. 2023 ~Addiction to gamification~

I teamed up with others through Twitter to become a subscriber in Duolingo super yesterday.

The app gives me ability of quick response toward English stimuli. However, I spent too much time on this. I should have my priority each day, or it will lead me to dig myself into a hole.

Actually I acknowledge that I justify my lazy habit by spending time on English training game. I am absorbed into this app, where gamification is working to make the experience in the app immersive.

Although you can say that this encourage us to study instead of playing game or watching Youtube contents, I maybe play in this app to avoid working on assignments, which are of more primary. Furthermore, I have noticed Distinction series are better to broden my vocaburary.

So, I need to pay attention to this app from tomorrow before the ship has sailed and too little too late.

The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period