14. Jan. 2023 ~Sleepy and Agtated~

I wasted the crucial 1 day, becasue I couldn’t get tasks done today.
I have been lazy and driven myself up the wall.

But, what I can do is just getting my act together from tomorrow. It is also wasteful that I beat myself up here.

Anyway, I found a good Youtube channel “Ninja Warriors” which is renowned in Japan as “SASUKE”, which will facilitate my English learning life from today.

Furthermore, I went to a dentist to remove a cavity. Since the next time (Wed) is the last treatment before leaving Japan, I am not all talk but put my money where my mouth is!

And I finished reading a academic paper for my final presentation of a class “value co-creation”, All I have to do for it is just make slides. That’s good as well.

Althogh I am likely to get so lazy to waste lots of time, even small steps are done every day. So I should be more proud of myself!

Keep Consistent and Confident!

The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period