17. Jan. 2023 ~Good companions~

I attended an internship of one of giant telecommunication companies.
I had butterflies in my stomach before group work because I couldn’t facilitate a dicussion in a different internship last week, which prevented me from getting active at first.

However, since I didn’t wanna waste 1 day by becoming like a air, I tried to share my interpretations and opinions which made difference. one women’s student is willing to served as a secretary and facilitator, we didn’t do typical role assignment this time though.

Fortunately, everyone are so cooperative that any speaker can express their opinion without reluctance, leading to heated discussion.

I have obtained significantly great experience to pick up my confidence before leaving Japan and could realize my logical growth resulting from discussion in classes and semminers in graduate school and writing diaries here every night, I guess.

It caught me off guard that 3 students shared feedback for each member respectively after the group work. I couldn’t afford to slice and dice such things during discussion, instead just I focused on outputs. I should have shared my comment for them to gratitude… From next time maybe in Sydney, I will up my game to gain trust from peers by sharing such kindness, which should make the atmosphere in group works so good that everyone stick together.

After rest, We couldn’t restart smoothly. So i facilitated by recapping one by one. I found out this approach is useful in the different situation!

I will put feedbacks here

I have broad eyeview to facilitate discussion and making powerpoint slides. Futhermore, I was crutial catalyst for meeted discussion like “to make easier for listeners to understands what we are saying… put result first!”

My contribution the biggest in the team by throwing a lot of opinions with knowledge.
-> She was so jack of all trades. Without her, our discussion went in circles at the end. Moreover, Her response to questions were so straightforward that I should learn a lot from her. She was so positive and open-minded, which made the mood cheerful.

All of my opinions and interpretations got to the heart of the matter, which has helped the discussion informative and fruitful.
-> She looked like introvert, but once I talked to her to gain her opinions, her insights were so sophisticated. To be honest, I felt little a bit scaring to her haha
However, her contribution to our team was substantial especially, she often fixed vented vector of discussion. From her experience in Taiwan, her knowledge was overweling me sometimes. I also accumlate it like her in Australia from next month.


I am so interesting!!!!!<- I love the most hahahaha
You(I) are indispensable to our team. Let’s run with me!
->I wanna become a friend with him so much. He was so energitic that evryone become positive. It was like Kume in Sep 2022.He was skiiled at expressing his opinions, which was seen when he raised examples with his opinions.
I guess he have a lot of friends. He is Yokya haha. Thanks to him, each opinions we throw get correctly recgnized in a team.

Stu4  N/A
Not ganna lie, the amount of his explicit contribution was small. However, his tacit contribution was huge to the team, I couldn’t notice it before other members said though. His ability to response to question was much higher than mine. Moreover, he can adapt to my suggestion, meaning that his capability to process information and apply it to action is high level.

Thanks to them, my desire for recgnition has been almost fullfilled.

It was honor for me to team up with you guys!


The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period