5. Feb. 2023 ~Actions speak louder than words~

I have completed all assignments from Japan today. Since one of my friends in Sydney said that I can rely on him at all times, I sent a message to him to hear his recomendation of supermarket. Although it took almost 1 day before his reply , he taught me kindly about his favorite supermarket.

Here, I bit the bullet and reply to him with “Next time, let’s go together there”.
Fortunately, he planed that he go there today, I got an oppotunity to go shopping with a friend. On the way there, we talked about various things from societies to shopping stuffs.

I could learn various takeaways to live confortably at UNSW, which was helpful and released my depressed mind to some degree. That was nice one.

Moreover, when I went to laundry to wash my cloths, I talked to a Phd student for how to use laundry service. He talked to me so kindly and I overcome the first washing. While mine being washed, I had to wait around 30 min. I talked to guys playing table tennis and talked with them for a few mins. With this mistakes that I am likely to forget names, I took a note right after their leaving. Since I had a more 12 min, I talked to another Phd student(civil engineer). He was so friendly that I can talk without any fearness, which allowed me to learn new customes in my dorm and Sydney.

Like above, Everyone is so friendly. I don’t get afraid of socializing with people due to my limited English. As long as I take an action, I can make a difference each day.

Tomorrow, there are open-week, which is one of biggest event for exchange students. I will enjoy meeting new people.

The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period