4. Mar. 2023 ~Chat GPT~

The convenient things remove serious stress from me, which make itself addictive for me. Althogh I worked on several tasks from motivation letters for subcommittee to preps for tutorials, ChatGPT helped me a lot. They gave me a template so that I can undersatand from which perspectives I should discuss, which shorten the time it takes to complete.

Actually, I also have a sense of guilt because these perspectives don’t originated from me entirely. Through innovation process, combining various perspectives is pivotal part for innovation itself, but Without training my thinking itself, the capacity that I can perform after joining in industries will be limited. It doesn’t make sense.

One of positive point for studying abroad is the high possibilities that there are people with different perspectives, which should contribute to innovate the way of thinking.

With big data in Chat GPT, their idea is cemtralized to average, which won’t inspired me any more, just knowledge accumlation. However, the tasks I took in are too much given my English capacity.

Thus, some automation is effective to deepen my understanding. Following innovation process, I have to take it in consideration that I merge my thought into this basic knowledge and share with ohters.

Actually, before coming to Australia, I expected that I am released from heaps of information, which made room for contemplation about my life and future through experience, but it was 100% opposite. Thus, I wanna get accustomed to unexpected conditions by becoming flexible but consistent with my goal, “change my mindset to be tough against stress”.

The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period