18. Jan. 2023 ~Python is tough to use~

After going to a dentist in this morning, I came back to my home because I had a little pain inside my mouth. Although I had a to-do list for today, I couldn’t completed all of it, which is regressful for me to be honest.

I contact a exchange for completion of office procudure and sent a message toacademic affaires for an event to communicate with Australian students in this weekend.

Also, I worked on practice of Twitter scraping for my assignment of next week. Since we are asked to analyze data in a fasion that is familier to students attending the class, that it, with procedures covered in the classes.

Experiencing a lot of errors, at last I have learnt how to scraping tweets from specific accounts and words. However, it is weired because I can scrape just 10 tweets from specific accounts.

Given my intention to anylize emotional tendency of tweets by official accounts, it is significantly annoying obstacles here.
Since I can ask a question for teacher tomorrow, it is ideal that this problem is solved.

Anyway, summarising each day gives me a sense of achievment, which hinder me from getting negative. I will keep going!


The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period