21. Feb. 2023 ~Two sides of the same coin~

My condition is stable at the bad level, meaning my temperature is around 37.0, I have coughs and sputers and a little a bit headache. It is so horrible that I am paranoid about my future as a runner.

I could make use of this afternoon efficiently becuase I percieved my progress in some perspectives. The most distinctive facet relates to a SIM card which wasn’t delevered at the end of the day.

A staff in the sim company approgized for their innconvenience, for I induced her to say it. According to her, I can swap sim card purchased in convenience stores with my sim with my phone number transferred. I has been extremly stressed till today so they should have taught me sooner to overcome mindnuming process.

I went out to get a sim card after a Hip-hop dance lecture by the second online lecture. I was able to get it at the third store, which means the first 2 stores didn’t have the sim card that I was searching. Under time-related pressure, why could I grab the sim card? This comes from my persistency. I am likely to be highly stick to my goal regardless of scales. This trait is usually the weak point, but it sometimes play a vital role to solve my problem.

So we shouldn’t regard my charactristic as pesmistic.


The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period