6. Mar. 2023 ~No contribution generates a chagrine~

It is harder than my expectation to contribute to case discussion in English, because I can’t understand questions themselves. After the classes, I quickly searched for a topic like improvement in English in my University. I got flustrated about closing application form for term1, which means that I need to wait until May to English refinment oppotunities.

But now, I just work on establishment of my environment around me to make my campus life prosper. I shouldn’t get agitated so much. So far, I attribute my inability to communicate and make friends with any students to my lack of English capacity. Since I have curiosity about everyone if I am able to listen to what they are talking. If I can hear, I can bring a lot to thee table even in discussion, I believe. my brain can’t afford to process information to raise questions.

My group mates are very kind to me, anyone critisize me. I wanna contribute to them with some points. I have to rely on them to keep up with classes but in return, what can I do? I think sharing my opinions to make discussion more enjoyable. To do so, I need to understand what they are talking easily and make some spaces for contemplation.

I can do it. I cherish my consistency.

The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period