23. Feb. 2023 ~Task-oriented or friend-oriented?~

I got a lot of freebies in several places because I tried to talk with people. Althogh I reckoned that I go to dance lesson after a class but when I arrive the practice site, no bigginers are there, which prevented me from joining. Furthermore, I felt a little a bit tierd of meeting the same people there in a week, so I left there before their noticing me. Actually, I will take a audition in the society tomorrow so that’s OK.

While walking around, I come across a stole offering icecream, which attracted me, of cource, I took and enjoyed it. When I tried to eat it, it abruptly got rainy, forcing me to go under a tree, where I met an Indian man studying IT. We hit it off because we both are students for master’s degree and he likes to share his experience in Sydney. Fortunately, he invited me to a couple of event he was gonna join. With a little courage, I was able to obtain chances to socialize with people and learn new vocaburaries like payback for “Okaeshi”.

Althogh I talked with many people actually, there were those who I want to keep talking and not. The former is stimulating me a lot: offering new information. So, once I got briefly knowledge about someone, I am likely to switch to another people, inhibiting me from building sound friendship with people I guess.

Given one of my goal that I male friends who has strong friendship with me, what I need to do from the perspective of friendship is the preservation of curiosity for people.

Furthermore, as soon as I expect not to diverse  my community from conversation with specific people, I tend to want to switch to another people. Thus, I am likely to stress on informative and socialy beneficial connection.

Anyway, I have a grattude for everyone I meet.

The Author



俄庭箱|highmoon period